Monday, 31 March 2014

Taking Si for a ride

It has been a while.
Exhausted by a painful job hunt and tired of online negativity - I pulled the social media plug. Taking my ball and going home for the frustration of the social media landscape is admittedly throwing the baby out with the bathwater and while it hasn't taken me any closer to full time work, it has been a good break… though I do miss the updates from some of my friends.
So, though I'm not one with the Facebook anymore, I am continuing to commit brazen acts of kindness in homage to Warren Stuart and respect and love to Danielle, Kai and Bella.
I was on my way to a job interview this afternoon, trying to keep myself focused, nerve in check and arrive on time as I stopped at a light for a couple guys to cross. One guy was braking over his shoulder to his buddy who was on a motorized wheelchair, (I'll call him Si as he looked like Si Robertson of A&E's Duck Dynasty) and hadn't noticed when his companion had become stuck in the snow. Si rocked back and shouted to his friend as the light began to change. Everything in me said, pull over and help Si out… then get to the interview. I turned the corner, threw on the hazard lights, jumped out and tried to push Si out and the slush just kept piling up round the wheels. As I slipped around in my dress she's another car stopped to lend a hand but was deterred by a symphony of car horns behind her. Since forward movement wasn't happening I pulled on Si's wheelchair and finally had him free in a few minutes by the time Si's friend crossed back over the street. Frustrated and angry Si pointed his chariot in the other direct and made his sunset ride towards the mall parking lot.
I made it to the interview with some time to spare and have a second interview tomorrow, though the first was weird enough to last me a very long time… I seriously thought I was being pranked by the hiring manager. Given my rather limited list of options - I'm going back for round two and if the hiring manager is any indication, I should bring popcorn to meet the CEO.
Onward, upward and to infinity and beyond!

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