Thursday, 9 January 2014

Receiving 1

So I'm going to expand the sharing of my mental drippings into the kindness others have done for me.

I suffer from, and suffering is an understatement, from fibromyalgia. In my early 20's I began experiencing chronic pain, my family Dr figured it was arthritis as pit runs in by my parent's families. The pain grew and I saw a nearly endless parade of Dr's before being diagnosed by a rheumatologist. My pain is managed by a barrage of medication which has become a tremendous burden as I'm unemployed, the $200 per month has caused me to skip doses in order to extend my supply. 

I was visiting my family Dr recently and shared my burden with her to which she advised me that some pharmaceutical companies offer compassionate funding for patients put forward by their physician to which she said she would like to do this for me, she went into her office and returnd with a form she asked me to complete and leave with her before our appointment was complete to ensure it would be submitted in a timely manner. 

There are few people more busy and overextended than physicians and going the extra mile can come back in a negatives way for them, but she did, she went the extra mile for me. I am thankful for her act of kindness and look forward to sharing more of these moments with you.

Be good to one another out there, we are all on the same journey of life, let us hold up and encourage our fellow travellers.

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